Yoga in the WILD

August 2, 2022
Megan Pooler

Yoga at Wild Child

Have you ever noticed the smell of grass in the springtime, the taste of a raindrop on your tongue, the sound of a squirrel scurrying up a tree, the feel of the wind on your skin, or the sight of the clouds changing shapes?  The children call this a “Mindful Minute” and we learn to use all five of our senses when we take a moment to stop and notice.  This is such an important tool to learn at an early age. Research has shown that young children who learn these techniques have strengthened resilience, greater calm in stressful situations, have a greater ability to focus their attention, and even self-soothe.  I strive to incorporate a mindful minute in every yoga class at Wild Child.

Breathing techniques are also an important skill we learn in yoga.  The slow inhales and exhales we take as we trace the outline of a simple leaf we find while playing in the fall leaves can help our tiny bodies to learn a simple way for our nervous systems to calm.  In springtime we may practice a breathing technique where we slowly inhale the scent of a fresh flower and slowly exhale as we blow a fluffy dandelion.  Again, learning a simple way for our bodies to naturally relax and calm.  

Yoga at Wild Child is not all about stillness, though.  Children are naturally wanting to move and do not have the capability to be still and focus for very long.  That’s why it’s important for us also to practice gross motor skills and balance.  Fun movement songs, simple yoga poses, as well as balance skills keep the little ones engaged during our yoga sessions.  Poses are usually based on seasonal themes.  For example, child’s pose might be called leaf pose in the fall while we study leaves.  Balance skills may be practiced while we practice “snowflake pose” on the ice that covers the small creek in the winter.

Respect for nature and the world around us as well as ourselves and others is the final component in a Wild Child yoga class.  We practice this by using the well-known yoga word “Namaste” to end our classes.  This word simply translates to “the light in me, honors the light in you.”  It’s a simple reminder for all to remember that our own “light” shines bright as we respect ourselves and the wonderful world and people around us.  

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